THIS GAME IS AWESOME!, well from an artistic scene at least i love the visuals and animations put into it!!, i also LOVED the little doodle littered throughout the levels in the backgrounds and foreground lol
the physics themselves need tweaking though, he doesnt have enough air mobility, like you cant do minor adjustments to a jump once youre in the air, it feels kinda like the original super mario bros (nes) which felt pretty frustrating to me, also it would be great if you added the ability to swim up faster or low profile swim when you hold up or down in the water while swimming (kinda like super mario world), also more fall speed in the water for anyone wanting to go faster in the water sections, it takes too much time decend, it would also be nice to have the ability to crouch on land in water, there was a section where that would have been pretty helpful, also a lower shorthop would be nice and would make it way easier to not hit your head on spikes while jumping on enemies, like make it at least 2 blocks instead of 3, also you CANT just add slopes without the ability to slide on them man thats like where all the fun comes from them, without the slide they just feel hazardous and slippery without the reward of being able to kill enemies from them
also theres a weird inconsistent glitch where the character walljumps on the wall but goes straight up it instead of away, i cant recreate it myself its pretty random and throws you off pretty bad (and most of my deaths were because of it, almost impossible to recover from), this would be a + to add but remapping keys would also be cool, not necessary but cool
hope this was a helpful review!! id love to see this come out and feel amazing to play one day, it has the potential!!, really wondering what that clown thing is and if i could beat it to a pulp, cheers man and happy newgrounding :)